Making smart credit decisions is a process that takes commitment and effort. The rewards for doing this impact almost all areas of our life and the lives of those we love. I have put information on this site to help simplify the process of establishing positive credit. If you are over the age of 18 and would like to build credit without credit cards or debt then you have come to the right place. If you are looking to buy a home but do not currently qualify due to credit issues then please set an appointment to talk to me. If you are in a rehab or recovery program and feel overwhelmed, sign up on the link below "Get Advice". I have over twenty years in the mortgage, finance, and real estate industry and can answer questions and help get you on a path towards meeting your goals.
Helpful Resources
If you are considering a mortgage or car loan but are not sure whether you qualify then you can click the link below to pull a copy of your credit report. The inquiry does not report to the bureaus or hurt your credit score. Tools are provided within the site to help you improve your scores, which may help you qualify with a better interest rate! The cost is $20/mth for credit repair services that you do for yourself and Identity Theft Protection is offered also up to $1 million in coverage.
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You can establish credit by opening secured credit cards. Many of the cards offered are for credit building and some are secured by your own funds. Please be aware that paying off your credit card monthly is the best option because they charge interest if you do not.
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Did you know that you can have your rent report to all three credit bureaus? This is a link to help build credit and you can have the last 24 months history shown too! There are costs associated but this site gets great reviews for credit building and being the least expensive way to report your rent to all three bureaus.
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What are your long term goals for your financial future? Do you want to buy a home? Establish credit so that you can get lower insurance premiums? Is there a job that requires a positive credit history that you want to apply for? Please subscribe to my newsletter below and call or email me to discuss your situation.
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If you are a Loan Officer, Real Estate Agent, Insurance Agent, Solar Panel Rep, or a recruiter and you would like to help your client with their credit, please reach out with their contact information and I will give them a call. If you are in a HIA program then put HIA as the referral source.
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